You have our support!

Blair, You absolutely have our support.  Please feel free to put a sign on our lawn if it helps.  Sean

Re-Elect Blair Lancaster Ward 6

Four the past four years I have been honoured to be your Ward Six City Councillor.  Please watch this video for information about my accomplishments and what I believe to be important for Ward Six residents in the coming years.  Please Re Elect me Blair Lancaster your Ward Six Councillor on Oct. 27th 2014.

More support and Appreciation

Hi Blair, We intend to support you in the upcoming election.  You have always been accessible and helpful when we have contacted you.  I believe you work hard as a counselor and deserve our support.  Should you be door knocking on Tiger Road, please feel free to stop by.  We would love to say ‘hello’. Regards, Darlene

Tribute to Blair by Jeff Fielding former City of Burlington Manager

Tribute to Blair Lancaster from Jeff Fielding  Blair Lancaster has been a dedicated and hard working councillor, and a valuable contributor to municipal decision-making. I found Blair to be approachable, understanding, considerate, and thoughtful.  I was impressed with her willingness to listen and to take into account other people’s opinions before casting her vote.  Blair worked well with administration in … Read More